KBX Application Form


Please read the terms of use and if you agree, enter the required information and click the "Submit" button.


If the applicant is a corporation or other entity, we agree that the application for registration will be made by a representative of the corporation or an officer or employee with legitimate authority of the corporation or other entity.

System terms of use are here

The terms and conditions are here

Privacy policy is here


・Depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take several days or we may not be able to reply at all.

・A preliminary screening is required to use the service. It will take 2-3 business days to determine whether or not you can use the service.

・We may not be able to respond to inquiries from other companies in the same industry.

・Please note that we will not be able to reply if your email address is incorrect or in the event of a system failure.

・Please note that we do not handle individual customers.

・Inquiries made on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be replied to from the next business day onwards.

Contact information:kbx_reception@jpa.konoike.net